Monday, December 5, 2022

2)Stress types of the bank employees.

 Source of stress

There are categories of stressors in the Banking sector.

  • Extra organizational stressors

Extra organizational stressors include things such as societal and technological change, the family, and relocation, economic and financial conditions, race and class, and residential or community conditions. Although medical science has increased the life spans of people and has eradicated or reduced the threat of many diseases, the pace of modern living has increased stress and decreased personal wellness. It is generally recognized that a person’s family has a big impact on personality development. A family situation-either a brief crisis, such as a squabble or the illness of a family member, or long term strained relations with the spouse or children-can act as a significant stressor for employees. 

Relocating the family because of a transfer or a promotion can also lead to stress. For most people in recent years, their financial situation has proved to be a stressor. Some stress researchers define these personal life stressors as unresolved environmental demands (for example, family or financial problem) requiring adaptive behaviours in the form of social readjustments. Life’s changes may be slow or sudden. These sudden changes have been portrayed in novels and movies as having a dramatic effect on people. These life changes can also directly influence job performance.
  • Organizational stressors
Organizational stressors affect large number of employees. Stress in an organization can be due to an insensitive bass, unpleasant co – workers, work over load and the need to complete a task in a limited time. For instance a high pressure environment that places chronic work demands on employees fuels the stress response. In contrast, research provides preliminary support for the idea that participative management can reduce organizational stress. The office design and general office environment are important organizational level stressors. Research demonstrators are the poor lighting, loud noise, improper placement of furniture and dirty or smelly environment also create stress. Managers are advised to monitor and eliminate these stressors. Besides the potential stressors that occur outside the organization, there are also those associated with the organization itself. Although the organization is made up of groups and individuals, there is also more macro – level dimensions, unique to the organization that contains potential stressors. 

  • Group Stressors
The group can also be a potential source of stress. These group stressors can be categorized into three areas such as lack of group cohesiveness, lack of social support and intra-individual, interpersonal, and inter group conflict. 

  •  Individual Stressors

Individual level stressors are those directly associated with a person’s job duties and his family relationships. Marital difficulties Breaking off a relationship and discipline troubles with children are example of relationship problems that creates stress for employees and that are not left at the front door when they arrive at door. Managers create stress for employees by exhibiting inconsistent behaviours, failing to provide support, showing lack of concern, providing inadequate direction creating a high productivity environment and focusing on negatives while ignoring good performance. In a sense, the categories of stressors discussed so far (extra organizational, organizational, and group) eventually get down to the individual level. 



  1. This article is a good one and the topic is relevant for a most banks a high level of job satisfaction reflects a highly favorable organizational climate that attracts and retains better workers.

    1. Yes I agree with you.Here mentioned source of stress and explained background with current examples to reduce above levels.

  2. I feel that when comparing with other jobs,banking sector jobs are more stressful with kind of works.because of the unnecessary long processes of works.Do you agree with me?

    1. I agree with you. Because bank employees are dealing with customers money. They should do their work perfectly. The cashiers should not giving money to the customer, end of the day they have a shortage or excess money. When the employee unable to pass the customer loan as well as recover the loans branches have loss. Not only the customer side but also employee should be think about the organization reputation. The accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness are very important qualities of their work.

  3. A good introduction to the subject. Correctly identifying and categorizing the issue is highly beneficial in finding a solution. Work-related stress is a growing problem around the world, affecting not only employees' health and well-being, but also organizational productivity. Work-related stress can occur when various types and combinations of work demands exceed a person's capacity and capability to cope.


6)How to reduce the Stress level ?

Stress can decrease employee engagement, may disrupt productivity, and could lead to various health complications. Chronic stress can weaken...